It All Starts With a Wall


Maciej Moszant

Having learned the smugglers’ route model, the physical aspects of the border were mapped. Exploring the border with satellite imagery allowed the forming of a catalog of means – of how the border is fortified. Overall, most of the fortifications along the border include ditches and embankments. (1) In parallel to these is the border road stretching along the entire fortifications. The border is punctuated with observation towers distributed approximately every half-kilometer (2). Additionally, (3) these are often accompanied by solid guarding bases fortified with dry moats. Even at the mountains, higher north of the border, the paths between the rocks were sealed with concrete wall infills. (4) It occurs that some minor fragments of the border are rather lightly fortified with double steel fencing and in-between barbed wire. (5) Despite strict fortifying measures, the seasonal rivers regularly disrupt the wall in several spots. (6) These are almost the only locations where the barrier may be penetrated.

Eventually, the collection of these areas became a set of sites for the design concept.

Figure 4. Catalogue of fortifications types


TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture