It All Starts With a Wall


Maciej Moszant

The materials and construction techniques envisioned for the construction originate directly from traditional Balochi building practices observed in nearby towns and villages. Analysis of these techniques established a set of potentially available materials and common techniques that can be applied at the project sites.

Figure 1. Map of construction materials’ origin

The design takes advantage of a great variety of resources available locally, such as – mining minerals, bamboo, and clay. These are then assembled with reused leftovers of smuggled commodities, such as – car particles, solar panels, and oil barrels. In that view, the project attempts to formulate a concept of ‘contemporary vernacular.’ Contrary to ‘vernacular’ that refers to the past, ’contemporary vernacular’ refers to the mix of traditional ways of construction paired with objects that have contemporarily emerged in the regional material landscape as a consequence of globalization.

Figure 2. Materiality: the ‘contemporary vernacular’


TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture